Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Let's Read. Let's Move.

Secretary Duncan's Kick Off of Let's Read. Let's Move. was an apparent success, thanks to Target's fabulous donations of refreshments, equipment, and games! This initiative is to help support the First Lady's Let's Move program to end childhood obesity by also highlighting the necessity of summer learning and community service. While this is a fantastic idea, it clearly hasn't caught on in our neck of the woods. I have not seen one gathering or activity focusing on either initiative. The First Lady and Secretary Duncan have grand ideas, but there's clearly issues in implementation countrywide. After reading through the article, they had a series of pictures from the Kick Off including the Secretary's wife playing hopscotch, children playing with hula hoops, and some reading on bean bags. Now, keep in mind, all materials were donated - check out what the little boy is reading ; )

Yeah, that's right - it's BONE, a COMIC BOOK (feel free to look it up in the Amazon side bar). Awesome. How does the U.S. Department of Education suggest we get kids to read? Give them something interesting! Comic books, which have been considered a dieing medium, can clearly gain a new momentum through utilizing these countrywide initiatives. What is fantastic is that either Jeff Smith, author and publisher of the Bone comics, or a huge fan took advantage of this event to thrust comics back in to the limelight. The only book pictured in conjunction with the Let's Read. Let's Move. Kick Off event is Bone. What this message sends is to increase the number of comics and graphic novels available to children in our libraries, both school and public. Contrary to popular belief, comics and graphic novels have merit not just men in tights. So get out, get moving, grab a comic, and get in to it ; )

Reach Out and Read

Become a Part of Reach Out and Read's
Summer of a Million Books Campaign
June 21 - September 6, 2010
In conjunction with United We Serve's "Let's Read. Let's Move." initiative, Reach Out and Read is launching a bold, new campaign to put one million brand-new books in the hands of American children before Labor Day. 

So what's the deal? Participating Pediatricians hand out books every while they provide parents with age-appropriate reading tips and advice about the importance of reading aloud every day. In order to attain this goal, Reach Out and Read's participating pediatricians will need to distribute more than 18,500 books to the children we serve every day between Father's Day and Labor Day!

If they succeed, they will provide one million more families with the tools and the guidance they need to prepare their children to succeed in school! How amazing is that?

So how can you become a part of the Summer of a Million Books Campaign?
  1. Donate a book or sponsor a child online through Reach Out and Read's
    Virtual Book Drive
  2. Organize a book drive for the Reach Out and Read Program in your community.
  3. Most importantly, read to the children in your life every day
They are almost halfway to their goal and with each book sponsorship only being $5, won't you help a child get ready for school?

And be sure to keep your eyes open at Borders Bookstores! They will support Reach Out and Read Programs in California, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and several other states by hosting in-store book drives and benefit days in August.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Milk Mustache Campaign

Feeding America does it again with a super simple app on facebook to help spread the wealth and stop hunger! It takes two seconds, just point, click, and send away. Help people eat, go click your heart out ; )